my sanctuary.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

they say in the army...

so i didn't really slim down, instead, i gained. shux.

army's kinda fun. lotsa admin time, lotsa senseless fun. of cos it really depends on the people who make it happen. With a tweak in the minset, u can either be basking in the glory of pulau tekong resort, or be suffering in the confines of tekong prison.

also army's lotsa training; social training. Where u REALLY meet ppl from different backgrounds and characteristic culture; fellow recruits and trainers alike. You can chose to continue on your path, condemning everyone else who is different from you; or you can learn tolerance, and practice acceptance. I thought i had a large threshold for differences, until my patience was tested.

I guess we all grow in our own ways, but im sure im gaining more than just muscles.


  • Pastor Kong says fats are necessary in brain development so eat more, eat more!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:15 pm  

  • I agree with your post retsel! (:

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:49 am  

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